Guwahati (Assam) [India]: Sakra World Hospital is the first multi-speciality technologically advanced hospital in Bangalore and is supported by Secom and Toyota Tsusho. With a steadfast…
Pyasa Tea: Purest quality tea from Assam Tea Gardens, a heavenly taste
Tea, especially in India, is a matter of great importance and a good cup of tea makes everyone’s day and that is where Pyasa Tea…
From waste to wealth
New Delhi, Oct 13: A team of scientists has developed a technique to use tea and banana waste to make non-toxic activated carbon that can…
Pineapple agroforestry could help tackle climate change and biodiversity loss
New Delhi: Pineapple-based agroforestry, traditionally practiced by ethnic “Hmar” tribe in southern Assam, can be a sustainable alternative to jhum cultivation for North East India.…