Ashima Singh – Tarot reader & Reiki master

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Ashima Singh speaks on manifestations, Positive affirmations and Switch words.

Manifestation is a technique used to achieve your goals be it a good job, improvement in business, owning a car or a house, getting a good life partner, possession of money in abundance, maintaining good relationships, curing of a disease etc. There is no limit for your wants in life. You can manifest but you have to learn the technique to do so.

Sharing a tip, Ashima says – Write down your intention on a piece of paper. Write what is it that you wish to happen. It can be anything to manifesting your dream.

Fold the paper and place it in between your hands.

Imagine a bright light coming down from the universe on you from the crown down to your forehead moving towards your throat and to your heart finallyovong towards your root chakra.

Allow this light to connect you to the Earth and the universal energies.

See the light going towards your goal – feel it, imagine yourself there. You feel so excited to be in your dream. Feel what it would feel like because through the act of imagination, you are practically out there.

Allow this energy to flow for as long as you feel it is necessary. When you are done, tear up the piece of paper (let it go) and trust that the universe has received your message and will respond in due time.

Remember, You are opening yourself up to an endless potential ” The Universe”  and all it wants to do is give you exactly what you are asking for. So silence the mind and trust the process.

On speaking of positive affirmations, Ashima explains that affirmations are the repetition of words or chanting of mantras that will bring in a lot of changes in life. We attract what we think. Thus! Fill your mind with positive words and feelings. Carefully practice of this exercise and see the visible changes happening in your life. We need to be watchful of our thoughts. Don’t affirm the things you do not want.

We all have desires and wants those need to be fulfilled. I always advise my clients to follow this one important tip says Ashima – The easiest one is “scripting”. This is an activity where you envision your future as the way you want it to be and write about it in the present tense. This is one manifestation tool that you can use the ideas that are in your head is to bring them down to reality.  
We always find people complaining about their job, relationships etc but we never count our blessings. So I always suggest they start writing a note of gratitude. 

I stared writing a gratitude journal and I realized that there are many more things I am grateful for which I never realized before. I believe that the more you express the gratitude the more the universe will provide you to be grateful for.

Lastly, Ashima tells us about the Switch words concept. Switchwords are the magical words that quickly shift your energies. It is like a switching on a button. Switchwords are truly magical that command and vibrate. There are specific words that trigger responses from the unconscious. For eg: BLESSED to feel more blessed in life.

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