Contest held in December 2020, Miss/Mrs/kids India 2020 under the banner of Roops Production’s, the Show telecasts by Maha Movie TV channel on Sunday 11:30 PM. The Show run under the guidance of Mr Firoj Khan known as FK in the industry, he is running many shows, his upcoming event India’s Talent War is the next Show in Queue. Event Manager Divyansh managed to conduct the Show well. This was a successful contest, Mia Lakra Visits as Celebrity guest, Gopika Dhuper as one of the Jury member, and Allan Bazil Montario as choreographer. Sonu Malaliya as Fashion Designer.
Neha Singh from Ghaziabad won the title Mrs India 2020 winner, first Runner up Chandni Joshi from Surat and Second runner up Komal from Jhansi.
Miss Catagory Shifa Khan from Jhansi win the title Miss India, Jagruti from Gorakhpur First Runner up and Second runner up Anshika Chandel from Jhansi.
Mr category Shiv from Jhansi won the title Mr India, Rahul Chauhan First runner up from Ahemdabad, Irfan Khan from Raipur Second runner up.
Jr kids Miss India title won by Meera Raval and Jr Kid Mr India won by Sameer Khan.
Sr Kids Mr India won by Deep Thakkar and Sr kid Miss India Won by Avni Tiwari.
So many famous celebrities were present in the Show, this is one of the biggest TV reality Show telecasted on the TV Channel.