Sahil Talha, known as “Superman” to his admirers, has become a renowned cricket analyst, entrepreneur, and successful gamer. Despite false accusations about his way of…
One Woman, Many Talents – Meet Capt Chahat Dalal
Vivek Oberoi and Mrs. World 2001 Aditi Govitrikar crown Chahat Dalal as a runner-up at the Official Mrs. India pageant. One of the biggest events…
Ace Entrepreneur Yahia Hawwari setting new standards in the social media Industry with his amazing content
When you look at Yahia Hawwari on Instagram, a tall, handsome, fair man; the first impression that you’ll definitely get is that he is one…
Entrepreneur and YouTuber Alina Al Zubaidi still the queen of social media after becoming a Mother
There are millions of influencers out there who are desperate to make an impact in society. Everyone craves fame, be it a novice or a…
Commercial cultivation of sea buckthorn berry to begin in Ladakh
New Delhi, Nov 07: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), in collaboration with the Government of the Union Territory of Ladakh, will start commercial…
Facility to help MedTech startups
New Delhi: The Department of Biotechnology’s Centre for Cellular and Molecular Platforms (C-CAMP) has set up a national facility to specifically address the commercialization gaps…
Akshay Banda – Entrepreneur and Philanthropist
“Entrepreneurship is not easy. But the fruits that it bears are worth the efforts.” Young and curious Akshay Banda talks about the hardships and perks…
First generation entrepreneur Vikas Shrivastava launched Voxbourne Energy Pvt Ltd admist lockdown and earns huge profits
New Delhi [India]: Mr. Vikas Shrivastava has spent 7 years working in the United States at power industry in engineering, management and consulting roles, other…